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We are absolutely thankful to the Lord for every person who gives this ministry. We cannot keep doing what we do without you. Your prayers, support, and encouragement mean a lot to us. May the Lord richly bless you.
There are three convenient ways to support us
Partnership is the most effective way to support Sacred Hands of Hope Indian Ministries (SHHIM). It entails making a decision to regularly give a fixed amount to SHHIM, then letting us know of your decision through email. This helps us to make informed decisions about mission activities for the next 12 months.
Once-off gifts and partnership donations form the foundational fund for all our ministries.
Designated gifts allow donors to specify exactly where their donation should go and can be directed to a specific project or need.
ALL DONATIONS THROUGH CHEQUE AND ONLINE GIVING ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE. We will mail a receipt to the donors quarterly for their tax purposes.
Please make cheques payable to “Sacred Hands of Hope Indian Ministries” and mail to:
Pastor Santhosh Podimala
Post Box No 429, Allen
Texas 75013, USA, 214-929-3370
Online Donation